The most important information we can provide you is what we teach and desire you to believe. In full, you can summarize our belief as…
“We worship Christ, according to the Scriptures.
Yet we also understand an expanded statement of our core convictions will be helpful to you. You can find this statement below.
You can also find our full Statement of Faith. The foundation of these beliefs rests upon Scripture alone—as such we would firmly hold to the five solas of the reformation. (You can learn more about these solas.)
What You Should Know…
- We prioritize worship—this not only means we are individually seeking to worship in all things, but also we are committed to obediently gathering over other commitments.
- We hold a high view of God—this means our worship is oriented toward Him, not ourselves.
- We have a sufficient view of Scripture—this means not only that it is inerrant, but that it also provides us everything we need to live before God and that it is thoroughly trustworthy in all matters to which it speaks. Therefore, it is the bedrock of our worship both corporately and personally.
- We emphasize the Gospel—this means we constantly remind ourselves and one another of the gospel, we frequently proclaim the gospel to the world around us, and we purposely send the gospel to the ends of the earth.
- We possess a low view of man—this means we are naturally sinful and inclined toward rejecting God and His ways.
- We view sin as deadly—this means we take it seriously and call for repentance and faith in Christ.
- We understand the gospel transforms—this means Jesus’ grace not only forgives, but also enables believers to live lives free from the power of sin.
- We place great value on prayer—this means we give significant time and thought to our prayers in services, fellowship with one another, and our personal time with the Lord. Practically, when we say we will pray, we will pray.
- We pursue holiness among one another—this means we are willing to confront sin, be confronted and desire to live transformed, obedient lives before our Lord.
- We love one another as the family of God—this means our interaction and concern for one another is not limited to Sunday services.
- We cling to discipleship—this means we seek we relationships with more mature believers to grow and we make time for less mature believers to learn, which generally takes place in an intergenerational relationship. Practically we need both immature and mature members; we need both young and old. This discipleship is meant to equip and edify believers through our members serving one another and counseling one another with God’s Word.
- We reject legalism—This means we see outward conformity to morality without the internal transformation by God’s grace as a distortion of the gospel. It does not mean we hold obedience and holiness as a distortion of the gospel, but rather the fruit of it.
- We invite every man to come—the gospel is presented to all men everywhere, so we strive to welcome every person the Lord brings to us as we gather to worship Him according to the Scriptures.