

Whether you are seeking a home church, or simply a place to worship during your visit to Williamsburg, VA our congregation would like to extend a warm welcome to you.  The Waller Mill Bible Church family is an assembly of God’s ever-expanding body of Christ, and we strive to welcome and demonstrate Christ-like love to everyone who walks through our doors.   

We have stationed greeters at the main door to welcome you and orient you to our church home. They will be thrilled to answer any questions you may have and assist you in finding seating or locating the proper classrooms for you and your family.   

You can find us conveniently located on the corner of Waller Mill and Carrs Hill Road.


SIZE…Our church family averages about forty attendees each week, allowing us to enjoy a close-knit family of believers who are eager and excited to welcome new faces!    

MUSIC… Our music team is dedicated to selecting songs and hymns that boast great biblical substance and encourage heartfelt worship.  While styles and eras vary greatly in our worship services, the truth of God's Word and character and the worship of Him are constant.    

NURSERY…We offer nursery for ages 0-5 during our 10:30am worship service. Your child will be welcomed by two or more background checked church members ready to serve your family.  Parents are also welcome to use the nursery room during other services to serve their own family as needed.

THE WORSHIP SERVICE…Our worship service begins at 10:30am and finishes before lunch. This is our primary service designed for corporate worship. We worship the Lord by reading God’s Word, singing with one another, collecting an offering and hearing the preaching of God’s Word. Additionally, we partake in communion together on the first Sunday of the month—If you are a baptized believer, in good standing with your church, then we invite you to partake of the Lord’s table with us.

SUNDAY SCHOOL…Sunday school is prior to our worship service. It presently meets from 9:30-10:15am. During this time, we dig into the Bible and its theology while enjoying edifying discussions with one another. This tends to be a more interactive time and we welcome your participation, but there is no obligation to do speak.  

WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER MEETING…Waller Mill offers prayer meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm.  Join us for a short study and focused time of prayer with one another.  

We pray this information is helpful to you and would be encouraged by your visit with us. If you have any further questions about your visit, you can email us at: Additionally, you can explore our Beliefs and History at your convenience.