The role of Waller Mill Bible Church in the Great Commision of making disciples of all peoples (Matthew 28:19-20) is to recognize whom God is calling, to help in effectively equipping them for life and ministry, and then to send them out with sufficient resources and encouragement for their task. We are committed to developing significant, loving, and accountable relationships with our missionaries, for the good of them and their ministry, unto God’s glory. While we understand that God has designed each local church to impact its local area as well as the world, we have developed a strategy that places a higher priority on reaching the unreached people of the world. Therefore, we have identified the following areas of ministry to receive our financial support:
- Ministries which focus on unreached people groups where there is little or no gospel witness. Most of these peoples are in the “10/40 Window,” but there are “pioneer” areas elsewhere, even in places which were once reached with the gospel but have fallen back into spiritual darkness.
- Equipping foreign Christian leaders to evangelize, make disciples, and plant churches abroad. Typically access in these areas is restricted or limited for Americans. These ministries often include support or supply efforts, such as scripture translation, publication and distribution.
- Those isolated and in need of special care. Strategic national or local efforts designed to reach groups that are either relatively “least-reached” or somewhat inaccessible to our church families (e.g., jail ministry, care for widows and orphans, the prisoner and the poor, homeless shelter, etc.).
- Development work abroad (curing social or physical ills, providing services). Given the vast need for support in the proceeding areas, the church may use any remaining resources to support development projects. Development projects may be a strategic means of access or of evangelism to unreached peoples. Therefore, ministries or missionaries who efficiently leverage such means in support of gospel-centered ministry to unreached peoples take priority.
Waller Mill currently supports several local ministries as well as several international missionary families.